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姓    名钟敏成
职    称教授                                
邮    箱zhongmch@163.com
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  • 个人简历

    2010年毕业于中国科学技术大学,获光学博士学位,于20154月加入js33333金沙线路检测。已发表高水平论文30几篇。2013年首次实现了光镊对活体动物内血管中红细胞的捕获与三维操控,研究结果发表在Nature Communications杂志,并被Nature Communications网站作为当期研究亮点进行报导。参与过国家973子课题,863子课题和国家自然基金。 

  • 研究领域


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  • 发表论文

    1.M.-C. Zhong, L. Gong, J.-H. Zhou, Z.-Q. Wang, and Y.-M. Li, Optical trapping of red blood cells in living animals with a water immersion objective, Optics Letters 38, 5134-5137 (2013).

    2.M.-C. Zhong, X.-B. Wei, J.-H. Zhou, Z.-Q. Wang, and Y.-M. Li, Trapping red blood cells in living animals using optical tweezers, Nature Communications 4, 1768 (2013).

    3.M.-C. Zhong, L. Gong, D. Li, J.-H. Zhou, Z.-Q. Wang, and Y.-M. Li, Optical trapping of core-shell magnetic microparticles by cylindrical vector beams, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 181112 (2014).

    4.M.-C. Zhong, Z.-Q. Wang, and Y.-M. Li, Oscillations of absorbing particles at the water-air interface induced by laser tweezers, Opt Express 25, 2481-2488 (2017).

    5.M.-C. Zhong, Z.-Q. Wang, and Y.-M. Li, Laser-accelerated self-assembly of colloidal particles at the water-air interface, Chinese Optics Letters 15, 051401 (2017).

    6.M.-C. Zhong, Z.-Q. Wang, and Y.-M. Li, Aberration compensation for optical trapping of cells within living mice, Appl. Opt. 56, 1972-1976 (2017).
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